Support Groups
12-Step Support
At the Christian 12-Step Recovery group, participants join together weekly for discussion, to support sobriety using the 12 Steps and incorporating Bible study, sharing, and prayer. Here we create a safe place for anyone to address addictions, distractions, or anything else that gets in the way of pursuing a closer relationship with God and victory in sobriety.
Available at the Wexford, Strip District, and Butler Campuses.
Recovery from Codependency
Find support with others to transform brokenness, heal emotional damage from the past, and mend shattered relationships. If you are working through a relationship with an addict, combine recovery and spirituality to work through this twelve-step program.
Available at the Wexford Campus.
This weekly seminar for those grieving the loss of a loved one is a place to be with others who have experienced grief. Learn valuable tools for recovering from the pain and for renewing your hope for the future.
Available at the Wexford and Butler Campuses.
New Journey Cancer Support
A Christ-centered support group for those whose lives have been touched by cancer. Family members and caregivers are also encouraged to attend. This monthly group will offer sharing, biblical reflection, prayer, and connection. Come be reminded of God's presence in your cancer journey.
Available at the Wexford Campus.
Parent-Child Alienation
Finding comfort, encouragement, and hope for restoration through the pain of broken family relationships. For parents, grandparents, children, and other family members.
Available at the Wexford Campus.