3 Truths for Students to Remember for Back to School

Back-to-school time is upon us! I know that for some students, this is a time of excitement. You never know what amazing opportunities you will be met with to make new friends, join a club or sports team, or join a Small Group (that may or may not be a shameless plug). But for other students, those same mysteries of the start of a new school year can be the source of anxiety and fear.

I wanted to take this time to speak to students who are starting a new school year. It’s easy to feel like you’re being thrown in so many different directions during this time in your life. I wanted to share some biblical principles that have helped me navigate even the most confusing and chaotic times in my life, and I hope that they can be helpful for you too.

1. You Won’t Regret Being Present

There is undoubtedly a temptation in all of us to disassociate from life when we feel the pressures of life overwhelming us. However, this temptation is most apparent in Generation Z and Generation Alpha. Research shows that there might be a correlation between these groups being a generally anxious generation and spending more than 8 hours a day on devices on average. As someone who belongs to Gen Z, I can confirm this is a real issue. Looking back, I can say that the time that I was on my phone or iPad in my teenage years could have been better spent making real, personal, and long-lasting connections with my family and friends.

Even when you are met with difficulties, the best thing to do is to ask God and wise people who love you for help and respond in a way that honors God, others involved, and yourself. We see the best example of being present from Jesus when he became a man to identify with us and be fully present with us. He cared for people, taught them important lessons, and showed the greatest act of love by laying down his own life for us.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35 (NIV)

2. Don’t Be a People Pleaser

There’s a fine line between loving and serving others and making yourself too busy to see the people who are right in front of you. I’ve spoken to a number of students who suffer from FOMO or fear of missing out. My question to them is usually “Why do you suppose you feel the need to say yes to everyone?” If we’re honest, usually the answer has something to do with how we are perceived by others or wanting to experience the fun things in life with our friends and not miss out. Jesus gives us a good way to combat overloading our schedule.

“All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ anything beyond this comes from the evil one” – Matthew 5:37 (NIV)

The term FOMO has existed since 2004, but the idea of missing out is nothing new. I would argue that this generation of students has an especially difficult time saying no to things because they lived through the COVID pandemic when the world was shut down. Your events were canceled, you couldn’t attend school in person (some schools are still doing a hybrid method of learning where students attend school in person on certain days and online on other days), and you watched as the graduating class of 2020 didn’t celebrate their graduation with a special ceremony. No wonder you don’t want to miss anything! You already know what it’s like to feel secluded during a very important time for social development.

When deciding what to say yes and no to, it's important to have the correct perspective. Your priority should not be to make people happy. No person’s opinion should be above God’s opinion, not even your own.

“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” – Galatians 1:10 (NIV)

3. You’re Not Alone

Rejection is one of the most painful things a human being can experience. We were created in the image of a relational God. We all crave a sense of belonging, and this is most apparent in the life of a student who is socially trying to find a place in the world to fit in. If you’re reading this and you have not experienced being rejected by a friend group, then the time will unfortunately come someday.

God, through his Word, has told us many, many times that he is with us and will never leave us. This doesn’t make the reality of rejection from friends at school go away, but it can make it easier to deal with by knowing that God, who is over everything, loves you and will never reject you.

“All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” – John 6:37 (NIV)

You never have to fear rejection from God as long as you truly believe in Jesus, his sacrifice, and that he rose from the dead. Not only does he not reject us, but he chose us to be in his family before the world ever even existed. He knows you more than anyone, loves you, AND likes you! The way you enjoy your favorite sport, food, musician, etc., God enjoys you like that, but even more so. You are precious to God, and he loves you more than anyone on earth ever could.

As you go into this school year, I hope you remember these truths and grow in your relationship with Jesus. I hope that your confidence can come from who God says you are, not who other people, society, or even you say you are.

Devin Kelly

Devin joined Orchard Hill staff in April 2023. Prior to Orchard Hill, she worked as a caretaker for her sister with special needs and volunteered in Student Ministry at the church.

Devin has a B.A. in Criminal Justice and decided to go into Student Ministry as a vocation after God gave her a passion for working with students and making Christ known to them.

Devin currently lives in Ross Township.


Look Up #2 - Look Up for Leadership


Look Up #1 - Look Up for Comfort