Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

3 Tips for New Worship Leaders
In some ways all Christians are worship leaders but today I want to focus on the individuals tasked with leading the team of musicians and the congregation through the songs we sing each week. So, if you are an aspiring worship leader, here are three tips that may be helpful in your journey.

What is the Difference Between General and Special Revelation?
General and Special Revelation may not seem like exciting theological topics but are exceedingly important to every single believer. Why? Because if Almighty God has revealed Himself; then He has communicated something about Himself.

Put God First in Your Life (Psalm 19 Devotional)
God cares not just about outward appearance, but about the heart. ‘For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance. The Lord looks for the heart.’ He sees the core of who we are. He knows us more deeply than we can ever know ourselves. God wants your hearts - all of it.
The Glory of “My Father’s World”
As I talk with friends and family in this time of quarantine, I have noted how many have commented on the beauty of getting outside. Our God is the One whose is made known in every majestic sunset, each precise blade of grass, every stunning peony. He is the Message that these beautiful wonders hold for us.